6 weeks to get you
On Top Of Your Money
1. Counting "Enough"
Most entrepreneurs know that they’re not earning enough.
But they don’t know how much enough actually is. In this week, you’ll learn how to choose a number that represents enough for your life right now. Even if you've set sales targets already, you’ll use my super simple calculator to make sure you’re including all places money needs to go to have the life and business you want.
By the end of Week 1, you'll have:
- An enough number that represents the life and business you want
- An understanding of how to set up habits to support what you're needing
- An easy-to-use spreadsheet to calculate enough, now and whenever it changes
2. Meaningful Earning
Money is often something to stress out about, something to ignore, or something that doesn’t feel tangible.
In this week, you’ll see how your earning directly affects your life. Using the Money Timeline and the Back Pocket Snapshot, you’ll clearly see the difference that a sale can make. We'll round it out by coming up with earning goals that support the life and business we want.
By the end of Week 2, you'll have:
- Your own Money Timeline that visually shows the money moving in & out of your business
- A way to responsibly flex your income and expenses when life throws you a curveball
- Earning goals that support the life and business you want - no more guessing!
- A Back Pocket Snapshot you can use to see the sales you've made over time
3. Purposeful Pricing
Proposals and pricing can feel like a minefield. Without careful design, it can be overly detailed, unnecessarily complex, and, frankly, quite triggering.
In this week, you’ll use my triple-decker pricing model to authentically price what you do. I'll also guide you through defusing your proposals process with templates and flowcharts to support you.
By the end of Week 3, you'll have:
- Authentic pricing that showcases your value and rewards you fairly for the great work you do
- The triple-decker pricing model: a go-to process to come up with the right price no matter what you're saying yes to
- A totally doable proposal process so you're palms don't have to sweat next time someone asks you to send something over
4. Money In, Money Out
Ever wonder if you can afford something? Ever wonder how much you can afford to pay yourself? Ever stare at a receipt wondering what you're meant to do with it? Ever get hit by a surprise direct debit and have to scramble to handle the rest of your expenses?
This week, you’ll be introduced to the MoneyFlow method: a simple way to keep track of what you need for tax time AND make sure there's enough to cover expenses (including your pay!)
By the end of Week 4, you'll have:
- A way to process money when it comes into your business...so you can rest easy knowing everything will get paid on time
- A process for bills and receipts that fits into your life (and won’t leave you freaking out at tax time)
- A simple system for figuring out whether you can buy that thing or not
5. The T Word
Tax can be one of the hardest things to face for entrepreneurs. Some of us might be behind on returns or have tax debts, or we might feel complete dread at the thought of end of financial year.
This is the week where you'll use the perfect tax email to get exactly what you need from your tax person. You'll create a game plan to make tax time as easy as possible. We'll also talk through different ways of defending those plans so they stay intact through this tax season and into the next.
By the end of Week 5, you'll have:
- An understanding of all the tax stuff you need to do (or a baby steps plan to figure out what they are)
- A game plan that ensures you DO all the tax stuff
- Practical strategies to defend your plans ahead of time and when life throws you a curve ball
6. The Money Cycle
Even the most transformative experience can become a distant memory once real life hits. Working with money is an ongoing cycle.
In the final week, you'll integrate all your learnings into real life by scheduling times for maintaining your money situation, as well as times for review so you can make it better and better.
By the end of Week 6, you'll have:
- A review ritual that allows you to celebrate your wins and adjust based on your learnings
- Appointments in your calendar to make sure you stay on top of it all
- Money action checklists so you know exactly what you need to do every time you have a money appointment
Example Curriculum
- back pocket update
- the bigger picture
- making change (week 1)
- getting to an enough number
- enough step 1: more than enough
- enough step 2a: recurring expenses tracker
- enough step 2b: where it all goes
- enough step 3: plan for surprises
- enough step 4: define enough
- enough step 5: enough in dollars
- enough, survival, and desired numbers
- week 1 wrap up